How could grass be so green?O Spring
Enters the fairy stream,
Where countless peach blooms beam,
And on the branch of the tree golden orioles sing.
I try to find a way through the flowers so gay,
Straight into clouds so white
To breathe a rainbow bright,
But I'm afraid in the depth of the flowers in my view,
My sleeves would be wet with rosy dew.
I sit on a stone and
Lean on a pillow of jade,
A tune on golden lute is played.
Where is the poet of the fairyland?
Who would drink up with me my spiral cup?
I come to seek for the immortal's trace,
Not for the rouged lips and powdered face.
Why should I long,long croon?
Drunk,I would dance downhill soon,
Followed by the bright moon.
This poem reflects the poet's worldly outlook symbolized by rouged lips and pourkered face.and otheruorhily ouiook symbolized by the immorial poet in the fuiryland. who refers to Li Bui (701-7621)
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